Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Westworld is the only world

Growing up I never considered myself a “TV person”. I hated appointment TV. If the VCR didn’t record it or you missed the episode you were basically screwed. We're all spoiled nowadays with how easy it is digest your favorite show.

Unless it was some A Team rerun or Saturday’s Main Event, I'd only use the TV for gaming, movies and live sports. Even in college, I remember everyone having X Files viewing parties. I liked the 1st season of X Files, since each episode was it's own story and the overarching plot was unnecessary to enjoy it. If you missed an episode no problem. Once it became a continuous layered story and said fuck it. I will enjoy TV on my time dammit!

Now I'm most CERTAINLY a TV guy, like most of you out there. We're in a Golden Age of Television right now and thanks to technology and the Internet is impossible for someone to miss an episode. I have some favorites: Person of Interest (RIP), Hannabal (RIP), Spartacus (RIP), The 100, Daredevil, Vikings, The Walking Dead and of course, my absolute obsession on page and on screen: GAME OF THRONES.

I’m not here to talk about GOT, but I eventually will. I fucking love everything about that world. I'm here to talk about my newest addition to the list: WESTWORLD.

Holy Mother of God, what a show. Westworld is that 3rd round pick that just EXPLODES on the pro scene. He has potential, but can he deliver? Let me tell you something Westworld delivers. I'm confident by the end of season one it will crack my Top 5.

Before I get into it, just know up front I'm going to be talking spoilers. So if you haven't watched stop reading immediately and GO WATCH IT.


Still here?

OK, this show is Science Fiction at its best. When a story based in the future (or another dimension or planet) can be grounded and thought provoking to contemporary people, it's just magnificent.
The setting is unique and familiar at once, which hooked me right away. The show is set in a Wild West theme park inhabited by lifelike androids. On it own, it nails the Western Vibe but the twist of a shifting theme park for the rich makes it very interesting.

I guess I have a thing for Westerns with a twist. My favorite book series is THE DARK
TOWER, and I recently read (and LOVED) John Hornor’s The Incorruptibles. Both of these stories take the Western motif and add high fantasy elements. In Westworld, it's a Western injected with Scifi.

Westworld’s look and setting got me interested enough to check the pilot. After that I've been completely hooked.

Unlike a lot of shows, you really need to pay attention to every detail. The use of music is a great example of this. The score is beautifully done on its own, but there are plenty of musical easter eggs that are just sick. Every episode (I believe, I need to rewatch) features some old timey piano playing at the whore house The Mariposa. Every song played is a rock / alternative hit. The first episode played “Black Hole Sun” by Soundgarden. Other episodes featured Radiohead and The Cure. If you recognize the song, and know the lyrics, it really drives home the overall themes of the show.

Sometimes the actual score becomes a cover of another song. The most standout scene of the entire series (so far), is when Maive asked to see a tour of the factory that made her. Here she is, walking slowly with a mixture of slow suprise, horror and disgust, being shown that everything she's ever known is manufactured, designed and ultimately a lie. All the while, “Motion Picture Soundtrack” by Radiohead is being performed by a String Quartet. It's a scene I won't soon forget….and it's only episode 6.

The show speaks to our current state of human society. Technology continues to improve everyday. The “uncanny valley” between real human intelligence and an artificial one becomes smaller all the time. At what point do our morals need be involved? If you don't know if the person standing in front of you is real or fake, does it really matter? We don't really think about how we abuse our appliances because they are simply cold machines, but if one day, they weren’t?

This conflict of morality really speaks to today's gamers. Westworld is basically the most realistic sandbox “video game” ever made. Open world sandbox games, made popular by the Grand Theft Auto franchise, allowed unprecedented freedom in a video game. You want to do the quests or find the collectibles? Have fun. But you don't have to! You want run over some pedestrians? Kill cops? Fuck a prostitute? Have at it. You want to be cop? A vigilante? A cab driver? It's all here. It doesn't matter at all what you do in those worlds because it's all 100% fake.

Now, Westworld takes that concept and increases it a thousand times. The consequences still aren’t there, but now everyone can  feel and breathe. What would do?

As William tell Dolores, “Now I understand It doesn't cater to your lower self, it reveals your deepest self; it shows you who you really are.”

Even some of the visitors to the park take up cliche gamer types. Logan is an old vet to the park, and knows how to maximize his time. He doesn't really care for all the extra details anymore, if he ever did. He's the guy that will skip the cutscene cause he just wants to get to the action. William, his counterpart, is a noob. He’s trying to figure out how this place works, sometimes failing miserably to Logan’s delight. William is also trying to stay morally “right”. Anyone who's played Fallout, Mass Effect or Fable can understand this concept too. He's given an opportunity to be a hero and he wants to do it. He wants to talk to every NPC and go on fetch quests because the simple “Fuck and/or Kill” rampages don't appeal to him.

Another tried and true video game troupe comes to us from The Man in Black plotline. His journey to the maze with Teddy is in essence an “Escort Mission” video game cliche. Escort Missions are notoriously annoying in games. You have no problem taking care of yourself and are practically unstoppable, so developers add in a stupid, squishy NPC to protect. The Man in Black has shown he is invincible in Westworld, so they saddled with him poor Teddy to protect.

It's just an amazing show. I'm looking forward to watching episode 7 tonight. Maybe I'll post a bit about it after I do….

AND IT WAS AWESOME! Of course it was. Bernard being a Host is something a lot of people called early on, however, Westworld executed the reveal so well it didn’t matter. Bernard turns from a sympathetic figure to a very scary tool for Dr. Ford. He’s the ultimate spy, and muscle.


Thanks for reading.

If want to hit me up on Twitter or Instagram it’s @floworcrash
My Xbox Gamertag is xDon Snowx

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