Monday, August 29, 2011

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Review

Welcome back to The Code. Sorry its been a little long since my last post. I've been dealing with a super trifecta of death.
I'm trying to prepare for two Fantasy football drafts. I'm actually running one for the first time and it's awesome.
Then of course, Hurricane Irene, fuckin bitch she is. I hope everyone is safe and is getting back to normal at this point. I personally lost power last night, and hope it comes back soon. I'm writing this on my droid. DROID.
To complete my trifecta of death / distraction, a certain title came out last Tuesday...DEUS EX: Human Revolution. It has basically took over my free time.
The rest of the gaming press has already offered up amazing reviews of the game. Since I am not officially a journalist and have no access to review copies, I wanted to give you a simple review now.
SCORE…9.5 out of 10
My first official 30 Dad Code review is a good one. Deus Ex was significantly delayed but well worth it. The highly touted freedom of accomplishing tasks is certainly possible and amazing. You can attack missions like a Terminator, or a stealthy cyber Solid Snake. Con NPC's into accessing secured areas, or hack your way in. Do every every mission, or stay with the main quest. The choice(s) are yours.
The only odd exception to this are the "boss" fights in the game. You must take these guys out no matter how your Adam Jenson is being played during the game. This makes the pacifists out there suddenly change their tune, which is a shame. Just like the rest of the game, you should be able to avoid these fights altogether if you choose. Personally, I had no moral dilemma killing these guys, and was prepared to do it. My interpretation of the story gave me plenty of reasons to do so, spoilers aside. I can see the criticism however.
Graphically, the game is top notch. Each city you travel to has a unique feel, and is dipped in sepia toned, Renaissance influences. The frame rate may dip slightly when the shit really hits the fan, but its forgivable, and honestly barely noticeable. Blade Runner is a heavy influence, but there's plenty of style choices made here to make it's own unique cyber punk world.
The soundtrack reminds me of Blade Runner, but that's not a bad thing. What's nice is that it appropriately switches up tone and speed depending on what's happening on screen. The guns and effect effects sound great and are all properly mixed. The voice acting is done well by the major characters, but you will notice similar voices out of the enemies and randoms.
The gameplay requires a lot out of a gamepad, and even in the action oriented parts, it holds up. You need to move silently through cover, stop n pop enemies, or both at the same time. To access the hidden areas, there's some platforming elements. The controls in all of these aspects work better then similiar FPS / RPGs, like Fallout or Elder Scrolls. My complaint here is that you cannot customize them. You are stuck how it is configured. Also, I hate there is no dedicated melee button. Stealth takedowns are awesome, but use your precious aug energy meter, but if you just want to be less stylish, or just beat someone down, you cannot.
Although the game allows you amazing freedom, I feel the game is imbalanced toward stealth. You cannot run and gun, which I understand. Damage is high in this game especially at the higher difficulties, and death comes quick. However, you receive more exp for stealth takedowns then straight kills. Plus you receive bonuses for NOT killing at all. Takedowns that kill are "louder" then KO ones, alerting guards. Moreover, you receive overall exp bonuses for completing missions without being seen. Being a tank is just as fun, and although you can potentially get more loot out killing and stripping them of their stuff, ala Fallout, is doesn't balance out. Moreover, there are simply some useless Augments to buy. Unless you experiment, or read a strat guide, you may be wasting precious "Praxis Points" on them. I wish there were even more "Augs" in the game, and they were more balanced out in their usefulness.
To conclude, Deus Ex is a must buy for not only fans of the series, but FPS and RPG fans alike. Get it now guys, before the rest of the holidays big hitters come out and you "won't have time". MAKE TIME FOR THIS ONE.
Thanks for reading. At the end of the month, I will have another post dedicated to this fine game. A stylistic comparison between a stealth approach and a tank one. Look for that. I will of course be postin about whatever so stay tuned! Follow the blog please. Check me out on XBL, PSN, or Twitter. Happy Hunting!

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