Friday, August 12, 2011


..Can you finish that Internet? If you can't finish the title, I'm not sure if you should continue reading. If you're like me, in their thirties (or older), you probably still have that little code memorized. The 30 man code. One of the more infamous secrets of the late, great NES.

This little piece I'm doing is a bit different. Welcome to the 30 Dad Code. I want to speak for a voice that I feel has been lost in today's "Next-Gen" gaming world. The guy (or gal), that played games when it wasn't cool, and didn't care. When blocky graphics were considered cutting edge. When you bought a game not based on Metacritic or a Forum, but game box art, and recess scuttlebutt.

Sure, there are retro gaming gaming blogs and articles, whatever, this is not what this is about. I'm from one the oldest generations who have played games my entire life, and love them. The two buttons and a D-Pad became 6, then 8, then analog sticks got slapped on...all the while I picked them up and couldn't put them down. What this is about is about a gamer who has a real life, and responsibilities.

While gamers have gone Pro and gaming tournaments are the norm, I think gamers like us haven't had a real voice. Yes we can pick up a gaming mag for news or reviews, but is it really speaking to you?

I know there are plenty like you out there. Does this sound familiar? I have two small kids that I adore, and wife that loves me, and a job I break my ass at. I may have to get another one. I'm the man of the house and I get it done. But you know what I can't wait for? When the kids are in bed, and it's late...I grab a beer, turn on the LCD and ROCK SOME GAMES! It's my release. All day on the grind, and I can't wait to put some virtual bullets into someone's virtual head. Do I have the time or energy to beat every single game I own? No. To spend a month getting to 10th prestige? I wish. Despite that, I'm pretty fucking good. Always have been. It's a pleasure of mine to compete in a sea of "try- hards". I'll never be on MLG, my kids gotta go to school. Your Kill / Death ratio is ratio is epic? Nice story bro. Pass me a beer, and watch my name above yours post game.

Does that sound like you? Hope so. If so, stick around. You might like what you see here. My name is Floworcrash. Keep reading here for my (read: YOUR) view on gaming culture, reviews, and maybe some shit talking. No, definitely I'm going to talk shit! Follow me on Twitter @floworcrash. Or, take it a step further and request me on PS3 or XBOX, it's all the same name. Later.

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